So you're probably going... who are these crazy people?  This will  help!  The entries will be changed as more is revealed about the characters.

  • Primary Cast Members

Khanier Vashala: A mysterious man who has been told to track and report on the movements of a tiefling.  First appeared: 12/01/2005

Harnet:  A member of the sessra clergy.  He has a copy of almost every computer game ever made to date.  He met Wall when standing around waiting for an announcement, and believes Wall is a god or at least a divine manifestation of the power of technology.  First appeared: 10/14/2005.

Wall: One of the rare biots who saw planetside action during the Human-Elf War.  He is more heavily armored than the standard biot model, and is composed of crystal carbon (artificial diamond).  He became a gladiator after the war, dueling to the death in the hobgoblin coliseums.  First appeared: 10/14/2005.


  • Secondary Cast Members

Johnathan Riker: Described as the richest human in the Dragoneye Galaxy.  He has sponsored a galactic scavenger hunt with an unknown prize.  Riker owns Delphi Corporation, an information analysis firm that is scarily accurate in their predictions.  First appeared: 10/21/2005.

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